

The 37th Annual Seminar of the Council on Family Relations, Japan Society
of Home Economics will be held as follows.
Date: October 21th(Sat)-22th(Sun) ,2017
Place: The Hotel Binario Saga Arashiyama(ホテルビナリオ嵯峨嵐山)
Address: 3-4 Sagatenryuji Hiromichicho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture,
    Japan 616-8372

Our Journal, "Family Relations," No.35 was published in November of 2016.
All the articles in the Journal are written in Japanese. But an English
summary (300 words) is attached to each article.

Back numbers are available at the following price:
  A copy of the Journal No.30-35 for \2,000+postage

The 36th Annual Seminar of the Council on Family Relations, Japan Society
of Home Economics, was held at Shokei Gakuin University, Natori, Miyagi,
on 8th-9th of October in 2016.
Public lecture and symposium "What impact did the East Japan Great Earthquake
have on families and women? " were a part of the seminar.

Membership Fees

Regular Member: \ 4,000
Student Member: \ 2,000
Overseas Member: \ 5,000


The Council on Family Relations, Japan Society of Home Economics
  Place: Notre Dame Seishin University, Miki Yamashita Laboratory
  Address: 9-16-2, Ifuku-cho, Okayama City, 700-8516, Japan
  E-mail :